Medical Doctor Reviews

"As a medical doctor and former cancer researcher, I highly recommend Noble Pillows to all of my patients due to their superior design, adaptability, and non-toxic luxury feel.  I treat adults and teens with a variety of medical conditions and I feel that they could all benefit from using Noble Pillows. 

The Noble head pillow was meticulously designed to help improve alignment, promote regenerative sleep and feel like a dream for everyone, regardless of their size, anatomy or sleeping position.  With it's nine modifiable chambers, the head pillow adjusts in height and firmness in a myriad of ways to gently support the head and neck as desired.  Those with neck issues appreciate the baseline support it provides, but also that the pillow can change with them; as their cervical spinal alignment improves with continued use, the pillow can then be modified to further support their new, healthier spinal curvature.  Similarly, with setbacks, surgery or injuries, the pillow filling, firmness and height can be adjusted to support the spine where it is in the healing process.  The pillow is an absolute revolution compared to pillows that can't be modified or to conventional adjustable pillows with only one or two chambers; they are simply not equipped to dynamically support the neck and head the way Noble Pillow does. When used with the lower body pillow, the Noble Pillows provide total spine support. 

The adjustable lower body pillow supports the lower back, knees, legs, feet ankles and holds the pelvis and lower body in proper alignment in all sleep positions.  This reduces pressure points and stress on the entire body.  When the entire spine is aligned and cradled, the body can rest and heal, which promotes both emotional and physical restoration.  

Proper spinal alignment and restorative sleep are absolutely vital to physical and emotional well being.  This is something I discuss daily with my patients.  As such, I wholeheartedly endorse the Noble head and lower body pillows as they are the best products on the market for adjustable, non-toxic spinal support."

-Dr. Allyson La Barbara MD, FAAP

"The Noble Pillow is taking a giant leap forward in sleep technology and health. Combining ergonomic structure with individualized customization is what makes this pillow shine. After all, we all have different anatomies and degrees of postural support needed to comfortably sleep throughout the night and receive the desired physiological benefits. The expert creativity and thought that went into these designs take it to a new level.

A pillow that promotes proper alignment and allows your preferred firmness by choice of stuffing material is a great way to ensure comfort levels are maintained well enough to foster the relaxation required to fall asleep and stay asleep. 

A significant consideration when making all-night comfort a priority is most people will change position to some degree during the night, and accounting for these shifts from back-sleeping to side-sleeping is essential. For example, a pillow with a height optimal for back sleeping will tend to be too low for side-sleeping, causing prolonged lateral flexion of the cervical spine and compression of the shoulder joint due to the lack of appropriate support when sleeping on your side. On the other hand, a pillow of a good height for side-sleeping will likely be too much for sleeping on your back, forcing the head to jut forward, preventing healthy neck posture, and interfering with breathing. The Noble Pillow addresses this problem with adjustable compartments that permit the user to find the correct amount of support for either position. This versatility encourages incremental improvement in sleep posture over time, avoiding the pitfall of forcing "perfect" posture, which can be too abrupt of a change for some, causing discomfort and muscle pain. Slow and consistent change works best.

The Lower Body Pillow also does a great job of taking multi-positional sleeping into account. Whether in a back or side-sleeping position, the pillow is structured so that the lumbar spine, hip, knee, and ankle joints are gently guided into proper alignment with cushioned support. The wedge effect when back sleeping tilts the pelvis posteriorly to relieve the lumbar spine from an excessive lordotic curvature, decreasing lower back ache and tension. When side sleeping, the pillow rests between the legs, limiting prolonged adduction of the top leg to minimize torque on the lower back.

Each pillow on its own does a great job addressing the musculoskeletal challenges most people face when looking to reduce pain and sleep comfortably. However, having them work together as a sleep system considers the whole kinetic chain, making for an impressively refreshing night's sleep."

-Dr. Gabriel A. Fierro-Fine, MD

"As an orthopedic surgeon, I've seen firsthand the challenges patients have after shoulder surgery with sleep. However, I never truly appreciated the impact a particular pillow could have until I recently underwent rotator cuff surgery myself.

Following surgery, I dutifully followed my physical therapy regimen, but I still woke up with some residual pain and stiffness in my shoulder. It wasn't until I took a night off from using my Noble Pillow that I realized just how crucial it had become for me to get my sleep.

The difference was dramatic . My wife and I went away for a weekend and I appreciated the difference right away. Without the proper neck and shoulder support the Noble Pillow provides, I woke up feeling tight and achy.

Now, I recommend the Noble Pillow to any of my patients recovering from rotator cuff surgery, or anyone who experiences shoulder or neck pain during sleep. The adjustable compartments allow for personalized comfort and support, and the high-quality materials ensure it retains its shape throughout the night."

-Michael A. Miranda, MD

Expert Product Tester Reviews

“I was amazed by all the ways you can customize this pillow. Not only can you choose more than one fill — you can also choose where in the pillow to place the fill. If you’re ready to splurge on a top-quality pillow that beats the competition in terms of customization, this model is worth the price.”

– Danny Noyed, Senior Product Tester, Sleep Foundation

Best for injury recovery. A pillow from Noble is definitely a splurge, but if you have a serious issue that’s keeping you from a good night’s sleep it might be worth investing in. Noble pillows have built-in adjustability for possible future changes to your sleep preferences, and are ideal for anyone with issues such as shoulder injuries, arthritis, or breathing problems.

-Women's Health

To alleviate back and lower-body pain, the Noble triangular pillow goes between your legs (for side sleepers) or under them (for back sleepers) to keep you aligned. Our panel said it eased discomfort and was useful in various positions. One also loved that “it didn’t take up too much room on the bed.”

-Good Housekeeping

Its soft material conformed perfectly to my body! There have been no issues with it holding in heat, and I no longer have issues turning over in my sleep. This has allowed me to get a comfortable full night's rest. It's not only high quality in the materials department, but it is also quite functional as well. What makes it feel so good is how it activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which is what helps create a high-quality sleeping environment which you can relax in. As a bonus, there is even a lower-body pillow as well! I recommend this for those going through rehabilitation.

-Mr. Ishigaki, Occupational Therapist

Healthcare providers increasingly recognize the need for effective, non-toxic ergonomic pillows. Although we don't handle insurance claims, many clients, including healthcare professionals, have found ways to cover the cost, such as deducting it on taxes. Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), health savings accounts (HSAs), and health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) may require a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN), obtainable from a licensed medical doctor (MD) or osteopath (DO), to validate the pillow's medical necessity. This letter formalizes a request to your insurance provider for coverage. We encourage reaching out to your insurer to confirm coverage under your plan.

The Noble Pillow has been my best investment for rehabilitating serious neck and shoulder injury . I tried every pillow/support available for years. None compare to the comfort and healing I’ve experienced with the Noble Pillow; not even close . Pure gold! I can power lift heavy weight and do martial arts again. THANKS!
— Lee Smith, Owner Artistic Drywall
I Absolutely recommend getting a Noble pillow - especially if recovering from an injury. This customizable, organic, love filled pillow has been paramount in my shoulder rehabilitation. On top of that, the chronic morning headaches are no more! It’s amazing how much healing can be accomplished with the right support.
— Mikayla Korrie Gibson, New Mother
I got the Noble Head Pillow after I tore my rotator cuff. Not only did it take away the pain in my shoulder but it helped my posture as well.
— Tanya (Vivienne) Varga, Owner of Powder Pilates
I have tried quite a number of pillows and none have provided me with the support necessary to have my head and neck not achy in the morning, that was until I found the Noble Pillow! I have suffered from joint laxity hyper-mobility my entire life. With the Noble Pillow my head and neck feel supported in both side and back positions. With this pillow you get what you pay for and that is excellence.
— Jaimi Jansen, Owner Santa Cruz Core Fitness & Rehab.